About Us

The reason for the existence of The Sabun Stories….

For those of you who have recently started following us, just wanted to give you a
little update on who is the founder and how she got started making soap. Drishika
Dabra, is the artist behind all of this. She started making soap after she was
diagnosed with Cancer in 2019 and the idea came from a passion to live a clean and healthy lifestyle through natural healing and all thing chemical free and organic, which was inculcated in her through our mother. After a couple of chemotherapy sessions, she felt the horrifying side effects that come with it and decided to curate cancer friendly products for her skin which off course had to be chemical free. As a newbie it wasn’t the most easiest task, but she taught herself amidst all the chemo sessions through a book she ordered from Amazon and there she was- with her first batch of soaps and body butter which to her surprise came out to be exactly what her skin needed at that time. In no time this hobby of hers turned into a passion with a vision to create products that make your skin happy. After a lot of research and brain storming with her family she developed her own brand, The Sabun Stories.

In August 2021, Drishika passed away at a tender age of 25, after bravely fighting
cancer for three years. We at The Sabun Stories are truly inspired by her and want
Drishika’s vision and her amazing recipes to reach all corners of the world. Hence,
we have carried on this venture as for us this is a way to keep her memory alive and we would want everyone to have access to chemical free products, especially those fighting deadly diseases and with a compromised immunity.
So help us tell Drishika’s story to the world!
The Sabun Stories